Get A Bridge Loan And Avoid The Hassle Of A Bank Loan

Most people don’t think about the differences between bridge loans and bank loans, but they’re pretty different. If you’re looking to use either of these types of loans for your business, it’s essential to know which one is right for you.

Bridge loans, also called bridging loans, are a type of short-term loan that can help you borrow money quickly, usually by using your existing equity as collateral. These loans are typically used to finance the purchase of a new investment property before your old one is sold, and they usually have shorter approval processes and fewer credit checks than bank loans or mortgages.

What Is a Bridge Loan?

If you are a property investor, you may have encountered the term “bridge loan” before. But what exactly is a bridge loan? A bridge loan is a short-term loan used to help borrowers borrow quickly against existing security that they may have, such as an investment property. The loan is typically used to “bridge the gap” between the time the borrower needs the financing and the time they will receive the funding from the sale of the property.

A bridge loan is typically used as a short-term financing solution until a more permanent long-term financing option can be established. This could be conventional bank financing or a mortgage.

The Pros of Bridge Loans: How This Funding Can Help Your Business Grow

The main advantage of bridge loans is that they can provide you with funding much faster than traditional bank loans. This is because banks usually have much stricter requirements in terms of paperwork and credit checks. So, a bridge loan might be a good option if you need money quickly and don’t have perfect credit.

Bridge Loan vs Bank Loan: Which is Right for Your Business?

Bank Loan

A bank loan is a traditional loan that you would get from a financial institution like a bank. The funds can be used for a variety of purposes, such as to purchase inventory, expand your business, or cover operating expenses.

One of the benefits of a bank loan is that you can get a fixed interest rate, which can make budgeting and predicting funds flow easier. Bank loans also tend to have lower interest rates.

Another advantage of bank loans is that they can be repaid over a longer period of time, which can make them more affordable. However, this also means that you’ll be paying interest for a longer period of time, which can add up.

Bridge Loan

Bridge loans are typically for a shorter period of time than bank loans, and they often have higher interest rates. However, they can be a good option if you need funding quickly and you don’t have time to go through the traditional bank loan process.

So, which is right for your business? It depends on your needs and your situation. If you need funds quickly and you don’t mind paying a higher interest rate, a bridge loan might be a good option. If you have good credit and you’re looking for a lower interest rate, a bank loan might be a better choice.

Are you looking for a bridge loan in the UK? Here is the best option

Looking for a short-term bridging loan online can be an arduous and stressful process – especially if you have bad or adverse credit. Numerous brokers online can offer great deals, but since they are not direct lenders, the process can take much longer than going through a lender who has direct access to the funds.

At Bridge Direct, we understand that time is of the essence when you need a bridging loan. That’s why we have an Instant Quote form on our website and offer loans to businesses throughout the UK – even those with bad or adverse credit. Here are just a few reasons why businesses keep coming back to Bridge Direct:

  • No matter what your circumstances are, they will consider a loan for you
  • No proof of income required
  • Loans from £30,000 to £3 million
  • Adverse credit considered
  • Interest rollup available
  • Speak to the decision maker
  • 1st & 2nd charges available
  • Each deal assessed on its individual merits
  • No set criteria
  • No middle men – direct access to funds
  • Instant decisions with no credit search required

Contact Bridge Direct

You can contact bridge direct in many ways, you can contact us directly using the contact details below;

 020 3126 4969

Alternatively, fill in the contact form below and one of our decision makers will contact you shortly to help you.